Posted on Tue - January 29, 2008

Passing the word

Keeping passwords handy in any situation WITHOUT losing them has been a struggle since the first computer user decided that some files should be private.

Apple has built a decent password manager into the OS since the days of Mac OS 9. There are two problems, the security is not as strong as it could be and I don't always have a Mac with me.

Usually when I don't have a Mac within easy reach, I do have my Palm. So I need something that syncs passwords across a Palm conduit. I need something that plays very nicely with the OS X because I am not sure Palm is long for this world.

Incidently, that is the main reason why I switched to using the Apple's Address Book and iCal programs. If AT&T had better coverage in this area (and the spot in Colorado I am looking at), I would have bought an iPhone months ago. I really like my Palm TX, but the company could go "poof" pretty soon.

And that brings up a third requirement. I want something that can transfer passwords to an iPhone too, just in case.

Enter PasswordWallet from Selznick Scientific Software.

I've used this for years and it has never let me down. It now boasts an iPhone version.

Well worth it.

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